@extends('backend.layout.main') @section('content') @if(session()->has('message'))
{!! session()->get('message') !!}
@endif @if(session()->has('not_permitted'))
{{ session()->get('not_permitted') }}

{{trans('file.Import CSV file (Device)')}}

* Please take a note of the date format you get in the CSV file downloaded/exported from your attendance device(CSV). Now select the same date format from dropdown for the option named- 'Attendance device date format'
* The first line in downloaded file should remain as it is. Please do not change the order of columns in file.
* Please select csv/excel file (allowed file size 2MB)
@foreach($lims_attendance_all as $key=>$attendance) @if($attendance['status']) @else() @endif @endforeach
{{trans('file.date')}} {{trans('file.Employee')}} {{trans('file.CheckIn')}} - {{trans('file.CheckOut')}} {{trans('file.Status')}} {{trans('file.Created By')}} {{trans('file.action')}}
{{$key}} {{ date($general_setting->date_format, strtotime($attendance['date'])) }} {{ $attendance['employee_name'] }} {!! $attendance['checkin_checkout'] !!}
{{ $attendance['user_name'] }}
{{ Form::open(['route' => ['attendances.delete', [$attendance['date'], $attendance['employee_id']]], 'method' => 'post'] ) }} {{ Form::close() }}
@endsection @push('scripts')